Practicing Gratitude

by Dr. Jana Plant, Clinical Director for Emmaus Road Counseling Center

Thanksgiving has become a holiday for us when we think about what we are grateful for. Have you noticed your child focusing on the negatives rather than the positives in their life? Are you starting this holiday weekend wondering how to cultivate an attitude of Thanksgiving in your home?

One way to help your child enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday is by practicing gratitude. When we experience feelings of gratitude, the reward pathways in our brain light up. Expressing gratitude activates a pleasure chemical that can shift your brain into having a more positive outlook on life. There is a boost of serotonin and dopamine, which indicates that we feel healthier and happier in times of thankfulness.

So how do you cultivate a heart of gratitude in your kids? Gratitude is a skill that is developed and can be woven throughout the day. The best way to cultivate gratitude is by modeling gratitude and inviting our kids to do the same. Here are some ideas to try at home:

–Create a gratitude routine – choose a time of the day when you can all share what you are grateful for, and find a time that works for your family

–Create a gratitude jar or gratitude tree where each child can write something they are grateful for and put it in the jar or on the tree’s leaves.

–Encourage each family member to make a daily gratitude journal where they can identify and write down the things they are grateful for.

–Share with each child why you are thankful for them. Example; how they have a curious mind, a kind heart, an intelligent brain to solve problems, a sense of humor, kindness, or thoughtfulness.

–Help your kids identify things they are grateful for using their senses- something you find beautiful, a calming smell, a favorite food, a sound you like, the warmth of sunshine, etc.

There are many ways of practicing appreciativeness in times of celebrating Thanksgiving and everyday life. By practicing gratefulness and becoming appreciative, you realize how blessed you truly are. 

For more information about Emmaus Road Counseling, visit their website. CCS partner with Emmaus Road Counseling to provide low cost counseling services to our students and their families. Click HERE to learn more.

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November 2022